Saturday, December 15, 2007

Job Appreciation

There are little things that float around in my mind after I leave work at the end of the day. Later when its quiet I'll think about them and this silly smile will appear my face. Its little things that happen that make me appreciate this room and mostly what it does for people.

  • A little 3 yr old girl who I've known for almost 2 years but just started speaking with me 2 months ago came up to my desk with her mother and simply said "como estas?" when i replied "muy bien, y tu?" she was a bit taken back. She was so happy I understood her. Later I showed her mom the new spanish puzzle cards, maybe it will help.
  • A classroom came in for the first time last week. The children impatiently sat in front of my desk as I attempted to explain the rules. One little boy stood and showed me the toys in his pocket while his other class mates sat there murmuring to themselves "I have toys at home..." I love it. They made the connection.
  • I have large sets of legos in tupperware containers. These sets don't get counted, they just float in and out. One boy will check out the sets and return both the set and then on top of the set in a seperate bag is what he built. He likes it when i put it on display.

Once in a while these things happen all in a week and I know that this room makes a difference, I'm just helping it along.

What Librarians Need to Know
I thought this post was pretty awesome, as a soon to be librarian it’s nice to hear what we will need to know in the future.

One week in a Toy Library

“Toy libraries must drive librarians crazy…all thetypes and parts with no real way to organize thecollection. Maybe that is what we should use to testnew DLIS people coming into the program. If they canwork one week in a toy library they will be allowed inthe program. Hum? ;-)”
-John Ellison
I recieved this remark today from a professor on an assignment. I had to take pictures and make atleast 10 reccomendations for a non-book service as part of a library. It was hard considering i made recomendations for the place i worked-I was judging the rooom at the same time i was judging myself as someone who is in charge of the room. It’s hard to be objective.
I believe what he wrote though, this room is chaos personified. Everyone should have training in an non-book environment, all LIS students should have to see the oppisite of a library before they work in one. This room is everything a typical library isn’t.
Perhaps I’ll post the assignment later on.