Monday, August 3, 2009

Day in the Life...

So, many Librarian Bloggers are logging their days at work to show how multi-faceted our jobs are. Though I am starting this project waaay late, but it's better late than never. I needed an excuse to keep blogging... and I never know what to say about this place, everyday seems the same in the summer. So a day by day would be good for me, just to get me back in the habit, if nothing else. I haven't added my info to the wiki yet, but I will tomorrow :)

10:00-11ish: Walked into work with coffee in hand (on time!), and I see something in my mailbox. I have 2 printouts from people's cards with problems. One recently had a child, and I mentioned to her in passing that I would help her out with renewing the toys if she thought would forget. Well, she didn't take me up on the offer, but now that she has fines on her card she wants them cleared. Great. The other printout was much easier; toys had been brought into the library but not returned in the computer.

See a pile of toys that were returned over the weekend, bring toys from circ desk to the toy library. Halfway back boss lady starts a conversation with me. Asked her about medical emergency and waiving fines... And I got a hesitant yes. Walk into toy library with toys, try and put some away, put others into an over flowing bucket of toys needing to be counted. Still deciding If I want to count toys in bucket or now.

Log onto computer, take care of patron problem #2, check e-mail and see nothing. Meaning I don't see a response about a grant I worked on, received the money, put a toy order in and never received toys. Annoying. I then get distracted on facebook looking at pictures. It’s a good thing I can’t played bejeweled at work… listen to a couple songs on yahoo as I clean up desk.

11:00ish: Over an hour in and still quiet in toy library. Begin an e-mail to woman with overdue toys. Construction and maintenance guys come in to work on the hallway. I will actually miss the guys when they finish up, they have been kind of fun to have around.

Toy Doctor comes in to drop of toys he’s fixed. He left grumpy because a tractor he had just fixed, broke again. It was my fault, couldn’t even blame it on a kid. I took it out of the bag and dropped it on the ground… wheel broke right off. Ooopsy.

11:30: Group of children comes in with a provider. She immediately walks out to bring something to her car, while gone 2 girls need to pee and they’re all whining at each other. Whine to children’s librarian about patron problems.

11:45: Open up Google reader and read Unshelved comic. Very amusing. See Day in the Life of a Librarian blogs from a couple different people, get inspired and begin writing. 12:15: Take a break, get my water bottle and make iced tea. Coffee really isn’t doing it for me lately. Weird. Decided to work on donations while I have the quiet time... It would be nice to clear off some shelf space.

1:15: Class from the attached school comes in. While finishing up the small batch of donations I chat with the teachers.

2:00: 8 kids come in without parents and play games. 10 minutes later I leave for a lunch break. I left a page with the kids... Poor Aderlin.

2:40: I come back from lunch and I am impressed...the room is in good order. 8 more boys are in here playing basketball with a summer camp.

2:45: Hear a camp counselor tell a kid he wants to choke him. Great. I want to start another project but there are too many kids in here now. It's distracting. 5:30 Room emptied out around 4 from the summer camp. I attempted to put a few toys together that were missing pieces. Boss lady walked in around 5 and commented on how quiet it was. NEVER say how quiet it is. Within 20 minutes a group of 6 children came in. They are kind of rowdy but they aren’t doing anything bad enough where I could kick them out. They’re mouthy. 5:52: Got the kids to somewhat clean. I’m done working for the day… unfortunately there are still a few minutes left….

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