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I am a Library Assistant in charge of a Toy Library of about 5000 toys. It is part of the city library system. Here are the stories from my days.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Jon Stewart Toy Hall of Fame Inductees
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My Favorite Toys
BESTEST GAME EVER, (in my opnion of course). This is a game that I just don't get sick of playing.
P.S. Last year my ma bought it for me for Christmas... I am very competitive :-)
This is a completely classic toy (to me). I wish more infant/toddler toys made real noises instead of the electronic sounds they tend to make now.
I saw that they actually still produce and sell these and I was uber-excited. I played with Legos as a child also, but these were just better because they could move.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Preface to My Favorite Toys
I have been working here for just about 4 years. I've had mom's tell me I should be a toy consultant, and sometimes, I don't think that's too bad of an idea. I love toys and playing. And I think that I have gained an amazing knowledge about toys, especially in how they have progressed over time. That is because many of the items in the toy library are the part of the original collection, when it began almost 25 years ago. I can see how many toys were ahead of their time.
Discovery Toys, for example, it's a great brand, highly trusted, but also, the toys are just different than others. They are multifaceted. For example, the Measure Up Cups aren't just stacking and nesting cups. They are also numbered, have animals engraved on the bottom, can be used for patterning AND they are volumetrically correct. I know a child may not appreciate all of these qualities, but the adult buying them sure does. Any toy that can teach more than one concept is pretty great, in my opinion.
I've seen Fisher Price change dramatically. Not only in their Little People brand of toys but also in their infant/toddler toys. In this collection, we have Little People that are small-wooden, small-plastic, chunky-plastic, "realistic"-plastic... For a short period of time I was seeing another version of Little People that were flexible, but they must not have lasted long. What also has amazed me, is that when you look at the small Little People, they were not multicultural, there was just white. Now they have a better representation, they even have Hanukkah play set (as well as a Nativity Scene, Christmas and Kwanzaa). The infant/toddler toys used to be very simple, and now they are electronic and noisey. They count, they say the ABC's. They speak Spanish! It amazes me.
Now that I have waned nostalgic about different toy companies and my love for them, I'll get to my point. I think I know toys pretty well and I know how the children interact with them. So in my next post, I am going to chose some of my favorite toys in this toy library. I do not have the most rigid criteria, by the way. Some are my favorite because because I know children love them, some for their educational purposes, and others, well, I genuinely like playing with them still :-), I think that says something.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
News From the National Toy Hall of Fame
"So, it’s a great thrill to celebrate this year’s three new inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame—the Ball, Big Wheel, and Nintendo Game Boy ."---Play Stuff Blog
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Best Toys Lists
This list separates games from toys which is nice...and I find it's a little more family friendly (duh!) than the Oppenheim list below.
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio
This award is kind of a big deal. They also chose awards in book, audio and dvd. They organize by age group and have lists of "the best toy" for each. They chose less mainstream toys in my opinion. I have quite a few items chosen over the past few years in the Toy Library. Toy of the Year Award
This one is a little more commercial, but still a detailed list.
Games turning into movies...
Story details have emerged in the last week or so for the "board game movies" Battleship andMonopoly. First up is Battleship, which will be about an "international" five ship fleet engaged in an intense battle with... aliens. And those aliens will apparently shoot giant red or white plastic pegs, I guess. Filming of Battleship starts next spring, and the movie is expected in the summer of 2011. As for Monopoly, the premise as detailed by producer Frank Beddor is quite lengthy, but the gist is that it's about a "comedic, loveable loser" who tries to break the world record for the longest game of Monopoly, and instead ends up in the world of Monopoly City, where Monopoly money is real and the world is ruled by the evil Parker Brothers, with whom the comedic, loveable loser engages in a series of "sight gags" to defeat them. Maybe it would be impossible to come up with plots for movies based on board games that wouldn't sound rotten, but that's sort of why until recently, people didn't make movies based upon board games.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Just some observations...
I don't like yelling at kids. Actually, I really despise it. I don't want to be angry ever because this is a happy toy library, not their home and not their school. I don't want to be a parental force in their life, which is why, this is the first thing I am going to mention. How much should we have to handle? The 'we' I am talking about is professionals, working in a community place, in which we deal with children and their families. Say the children are mostly unsupervised (like here) and the people who work here are their grown-ups for the time they are in the building. How much should we put up with behavior wise? I'm okay with the occasional "Don't do that"..."Please take turns"... "Stop being so bossy"... and my all time favorite "No tattle-tailing!!!" But what if you are mediating situations with children ALL THE TIME? If it's back and forth "He did this"... "She's about to hit me"... "Why aren't you yelling at him?"... Do we have a choice to be a "parent" here? The Library OUR home, it's our work place, we have our rules. What happens when the children stop following them?
And this is where I get to my second point. Say the children stop following the rules and they are just "bad". They disrespect the staff at the library AND they make the toy library an unsafe place to be (for other children and families/adults). Those are my 2 bottom lines. As long as those lines aren't crossed, you'll pretty much be okay in my book. What do we do with those "bad" children? Do we talk with the parents? Do we demand they be supervised at all times? Do we kick them out of the library for a day? A week? FOREVER? What happens if we lose them from the library? What happens if they get in trouble and they don't come back because... (I'm having a hard time not taking the blame for what I am about to say)... they are being yelled at/ getting in trouble with, one more grown-up in their world. What if it is worse at home? Or in school? What if them being in the library after school means they don't ever hang with that "bad crowd"? Or that they're not home alone until their parental figure(s) get home from work. Could we teach them to be better?
I've known a child here since he has been around 6 years old. I can't pretend that I don't pick favorites because I do (and everyone knows it). He has always been one of my favorites. He turned 10 this year. He is smart, really smart. He tells the new kids the rules and he follows the rules. He helps me clean up and he is just a good kid. I want to know what he is going to be like in 15 years. It would be amazing to see. The thing is, this past summer, I saw myself starting to lose him. He hangs out with different boys now. He started breaking the rules. Getting mouthy. He wasn't being a good kid. And it's all because of who he hangs with now.... because once in a while I'll see a glimpse of that kid I used to know when he was alone. Not to make it all about this one child but... How do I not lose this kid? And how do we not lose the ones in the future?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Passion of Toys
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Back to school!!!
This is the happiest day of the year at work... Now I have to clean up the 3 month mess... (ICKY POO!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
In this moment of quietness
I needed to witness this moment this afternoon. It's a mess in here. It was very busy this morning. And now there are just these two in here, quietly playing. This doesn't happen often enough, this is what this place is meant for.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Random Miscellaneous Donations
And then there was this bag hidden in a box. It was chock full of randomness. It was a lot of McDonald's toys. It was pieces of toys, toys that once probably belonged to a set, I don't know. It was the bag of brightly colored plastic. It was amusing to say the least. So I had a fashion show for the toys and took pictures. I uploaded them into this Photo Album for your viewing pleasure.
It was a slow day, that is my only excuse. And by the way, these extra donations is what makes me love this job so much.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 3, 4 &5
Thursday: I made an "Open" and "Close" sign for my 2 doors. This means I made a word document and printed them out, traced the BIG letters since I was making a BIG sign. I don't think the bold option on Word makes it bold enough... I colored them in as talked with random children and teachers who came in.
I talked with my boss for a little while. She is supportive of any BIG sign idea I have which is nice. We talked about a child who was here the day before. He is misbehaving... but generally a good kid (I was told). We are very lenient with children. Mostly because we want them to come here, we want them to have some place to go. But the different conversations I've been having since then about this child (and other children) have all lead to the same question... How far do we let them go? How many times do we let them misbehave? How do we correct the behavior without kicking them out of the library? We all fear that we will lose them from the library system.
Friday: I came in for 2 hours. I dumped out mess behind my desk and attempted to organize it. I honestly don't know if I accomplished much since there is still mess. It looks a lot neater though...
Monday (today): I have already been here for 7 hours. I'm going on 15 something children in and out of here unsupervised... And I wonder why I haven't gotten anything done. I've finished up the signs... That's it. I don't like days like these. When there are 5-10 kids in here at a time and I am the only adult paying attention to them it is impossible to do anything else.
A mother came in with her 3 children in the late afternoon. This is when there were about 10 kids in here without a parent. She asked my most favorite question ever. Gently, quietly, politely, she asked "Where are there parents?" I wish I knew. I had a hard time explaining it to her though. And this is when I have to have different rules... If the unsupervised kids are getting in the way of the Mom, or being too wild around her children, they have to find something quiet(er) to do. This also goes along with the little kid/ big kid rule. Little kids rule the roost. They always win. Big kids have to stop what they're doing to allow the little kids to play.
During my lunch break I was outside for a moment with one of the clerks taking in the humid weather. 2 cops pull into the parking lot. Immediately we smirk and joke around that someone called them again. Children/ Teens have been making a habit of it, making 911 calls from the pay phone. It would have been all good and fine if the cop hadn't gotten an attitude with us. He assumed we didn't work there... once he figured it out he did change his tune though. Just another day in the neighborhood.
I have 40 minutes before I go. I am going to attempt to clean up the room but I'm thinking my chances are slim.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day in the Life: Day 2
10:05: Attempt to open my door for the Toy Library and it's stuck... finally get it open and realize the construction guys were working on it yesterday and added a piece that forces the door to shut. That would be all fine and dandy IF they added the kickstand part at the bottom of the door. The cleaner found something to wedge underneath for now. I still fear it will randomly shut.
10:10: I then realize that since my door was moved into the middle of the library, I have no signage. It's just a blank doorway... kind of boring. So I wandered around the library saying over and over again I needed a BIG sign. I took the toy library sign out of the window for now... but eventually I want a banner of some sort to go over the doorway.
10:15: Check my e-mail, see the job posting I've been waiting for. I printed it out and then within 15 minutes the children's librarian AND my boss printed it out and brought it to me. Should I be taking a hint? Ha!
10:30: Decide to make copies of the instructions for the donations I did on Monday. It took me like 4 tries to get them to copy correctly on our new fancy copier... but then i cut them up, stapled them together and put the originals in the filing binders.
My volunteer came in around this time and stayed until 12:30 or so. We sat at the desk, she counted toys to make sure the bag/ game was complete and we chatted about whatever has been happening the last week since she came in. I tried to get a few things out of my bin, counted up a backpack set... ate a snack, read a few blogs. You know, the easy stuff.
1:30: Not sure what the rest of the day is going to entail. I'm waiting on a group now... I'm energized enough to do some cleaning and organizing, but I fear I'll be interrupted halfway through because my lunch break is in 30 minutes...
2:40-5:30: After returning from lunch the day has been a random blur of chit chat with a teacher, random children who have come in, and the mess that is my desk. I cleared off the desk itself and put to use a fancy new wooden organizer. Behind my desk is a whole other story. I have bins of toys and half filled bags of toys. Every single toy in the bins go somewhere, that is the reassuring part about all of this. It's just a matter of finding where...
Tomorrow I need to talk to graphics about my BIG sign idea.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day in the Life...
10:00-11ish: Walked into work with coffee in hand (on time!), and I see something in my mailbox. I have 2 printouts from people's cards with problems. One recently had a child, and I mentioned to her in passing that I would help her out with renewing the toys if she thought would forget. Well, she didn't take me up on the offer, but now that she has fines on her card she wants them cleared. Great. The other printout was much easier; toys had been brought into the library but not returned in the computer.
See a pile of toys that were returned over the weekend, bring toys from circ desk to the toy library. Halfway back boss lady starts a conversation with me. Asked her about medical emergency and waiving fines... And I got a hesitant yes. Walk into toy library with toys, try and put some away, put others into an over flowing bucket of toys needing to be counted. Still deciding If I want to count toys in bucket or now.
Log onto computer, take care of patron problem #2, check e-mail and see nothing. Meaning I don't see a response about a grant I worked on, received the money, put a toy order in and never received toys. Annoying. I then get distracted on facebook looking at pictures. It’s a good thing I can’t played bejeweled at work… listen to a couple songs on yahoo as I clean up desk.
11:00ish: Over an hour in and still quiet in toy library. Begin an e-mail to woman with overdue toys. Construction and maintenance guys come in to work on the hallway. I will actually miss the guys when they finish up, they have been kind of fun to have around.
Toy Doctor comes in to drop of toys he’s fixed. He left grumpy because a tractor he had just fixed, broke again. It was my fault, couldn’t even blame it on a kid. I took it out of the bag and dropped it on the ground… wheel broke right off. Ooopsy.
11:30: Group of children comes in with a provider. She immediately walks out to bring something to her car, while gone 2 girls need to pee and they’re all whining at each other. Whine to children’s librarian about patron problems.
11:45: Open up Google reader and read Unshelved comic. Very amusing. See Day in the Life of a Librarian blogs from a couple different people, get inspired and begin writing. 12:15: Take a break, get my water bottle and make iced tea. Coffee really isn’t doing it for me lately. Weird. Decided to work on donations while I have the quiet time... It would be nice to clear off some shelf space.
1:15: Class from the attached school comes in. While finishing up the small batch of donations I chat with the teachers.
2:00: 8 kids come in without parents and play games. 10 minutes later I leave for a lunch break. I left a page with the kids... Poor Aderlin.
2:40: I come back from lunch and I am impressed...the room is in good order. 8 more boys are in here playing basketball with a summer camp.
2:45: Hear a camp counselor tell a kid he wants to choke him. Great. I want to start another project but there are too many kids in here now. It's distracting. 5:30 Room emptied out around 4 from the summer camp. I attempted to put a few toys together that were missing pieces. Boss lady walked in around 5 and commented on how quiet it was. NEVER say how quiet it is. Within 20 minutes a group of 6 children came in. They are kind of rowdy but they aren’t doing anything bad enough where I could kick them out. They’re mouthy. 5:52: Got the kids to somewhat clean. I’m done working for the day… unfortunately there are still a few minutes left….
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Wall is Gone (Part 2)

No more wall...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
And then the wall came down...
There was a wall that created a hallway leading to my toy library. That wall is now gone to make more room for the teen center. Next they will move my doorway into the middle of the wall... maybe about 10-15 feet to the right. I think that I'll have more visibility to the library so all in all its a good change.
On another note... 1 week until school lets out. I am not prepared in the least (mentally or physically). I still have to clean up the shelves so old mess doesn't get in the way of new mess. I still have 100 bags missing pieces. And then last but not least I have many donations to put into the system.
I need an IV of caffeine.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Toys!!!
The Toy Resource Center has new toys!!!
Over the last couple months we've received 2 large donations from The Pirate Toy Fund. We have a lot of new outside toys for those hot summer months coming up and a brand new batch of games for the icky rainy days. Come in and take a look!!!
Outside Play Toys
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Two realizations came out of that conversation, one was already known, but it was nice to be reminded. This place is important and what I do is important. I should never say again "I'm just a librarian..." Because I am more than that here. Every person who has worked here as left their imprint, I am lucky to be leaving mine.
I watch these kids grow up! I saw a little girl walk for the first time the other day. The mother pointed it out excitedly for me to see. I rememeber when the mother first told me she was pregnant. I remember the first time she was brought in... I have many stories similar to these. There are two little girls who come in and they are so shy, they barely look at me, let alone speak to me. Their mother told me that they each have dolls named after me. Lately I have also been getting presents from a little girl. First it was pictures of horses and the latest is a beaded bracelet with my name on it. It is sitting on my desk around the neck of a Jack Sparrow smal plush doll. It makes me giggle :)
The second realization was... it would be good for this place to have workshops again. It would be good for me to get out there and speak about this place. I have horrible stage fright, unless I'm talking about something I love... It's easy for me to talk about this place, what it does, what I do, because it is so natural. I don't have to write things down or awkwardly say "um..." every 3 seconds. I would need help to fill in the blanks about the whole education value thing though. Everything I know, I taught myself here.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Unsupervised Children
"It's not a world where kids can be playing outside like they used to. ... Unsupervised after-school activities are not leading to anything productive."
---YMCA President and CEO George Romell
Read the article here...
I have been working in this neighborhood for over 3 years, so not a whole lot surprises me anymore. I may joke around about being an overpaid babysitter often, but I wouldn't have it any other way. For example I opened the Toy Library at 11 AM on Saturday. By 11:10 I had 10 children in here ranging from the ages of 4-10, and I was the only adult figure in the room. This is pretty normal for me and the other staff at the library. People ask me where their parents are all the time. And the simple answer is "Not here". They don't get it. Neither do I, sometimes. But at least they are here and not freezing their butts off outside, or getting into trouble, etc. And that is the bottom line for me. Even if it does mean that I "babysit"
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Even Games Become Movies....

Universal Pictures is sweet on "Candy Land."
Studio has set Etan Cohen to write and Kevin Lima to direct a live-action feature based on the enduring Hasbro board game.
Read more here...Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Blog post from Out of the Toy Box
Read the rest here....
I just started reading Richard Gottlieb's blog. There isn't many blogs out there about play or toys so I was happy to find it. He has great insights on the toy market... plus we kind of have something in common. We would rather promote the use of board games than electronic gaming devices (like Wii)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Just a little of this and that....
- I just told a boy to get off a car that he was standing on (to get a toy off a higher shelf) and he told me I was causing trouble. This kid has the ability to twist it around every time I discipline him. Like I am the one in trouble! It is half defiant, half guilt trip. It is truly is amazing. I don't know where these kids get it from, the lack of respect. I want to know where the respect went. I had the fear put into me when I was a child. You never talked back to an adult, EVER! And it is not just at this library or in this neighborhood... I have noticed it everywhere.
- I am receiving a grant from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation to buy new physical active toys for the library. I had a volunteer who is grant savvy help me apply for it. She did an amazing job, as did the grant writer in our main office. I wouldn't have been able to do it myself. So I get to buy stuff to give away to families, centers, schools and providers PLUS I get quite a bit of money to buy new items! I spent it in approximately 5 seconds through Lakeshore. Yea! More tricycles!
- I love that I am getting new toys that promote physical activity. The whole reason I was so passionate about applying for this grant was because I have noticed a high energy level in kids after they have been in school all day long. They need to be able to release it in a safe place, out of the cold and off the streets. The library is it. So I have begun to try and clear some space for kids to run around more. They are pretty much allowed to do whatever as long as they’re not getting hurt, they’re not hurting someone else, my collection, the shelves and they are genuinely being respectful of the room (and me).